Saturday, June 5, 2010

Subspace Weapons are a Bad, Bad Thing


Cmdr. Kaa has detected unusual anomolous energy readings in the Alpha Tau 278 system.  I have diverted The Psyche from our survey mission in the Rotor Nebula to investigate.


The anomolous energy readings we picked up turned out to be the result of Cardassian True Way scientists experimenting with subspace weapons.  The experiment had gotten away from them, and almost created a massive subspace disturbance that would have destroyed everything from here to the Cardassian home world had it not been for my engineering team.  We have paid a heavy price for the safety of this region of space; not only in terms of damage to The Psyche and her systems, but also in the loss of over half her crew.  Losing someone under your command is never easy, but it is especially difficult when you lose officers that have served with you through several assignments.  Such is the case with my Chief Engineer, Operations Officer, and Field Engineer, all of whom willingly gave their lives to safeguard the cultures of over 20 inhabited worlds who would have otherwise been engulfed in the subspace disturbance.  It is with brittle horns that I acknowledge their sacrifice, and of the men, women, and other gendered beings who perished on this mission.  May your actions never be forgotten.

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